Fairy Tales with Ogres
An Ogre is a cruel, man-eating giant, but they will always have their place in movies, stories and books. Here is a list of popular fairy tales that have Ogres or Ogresses
- Shrek
- Ella Enchanted
- The Flight of Dragons
- The Flight of Dragons
- Jack and the Beanstalk (movie)
- Hop-o'-My-Thumb
- Puss in Boots
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Bee and the Orange Tree
- Finette Cendron or Cunning Cinders
- Bearskin
- Tale of the Ogre
- The Flea
- The Enchanted Doe
- Violet
- The Dove
- Corvetto
- The Three Crowns
- Liisa and the Prince
- Puss-cat Mew
- The Selfish Giant
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use random names I generate with this Ogre Name Generator for any purpose?
Absolutely! We do not have any rights to the names created with this name generator, but since the names are randomly generated, please check to see if they are owned elsewhere.
Is this Ogre Name Generator free to use?
Yes, it is free and unrestricted. You may use our name generator to find as many ogre names as you wish.
What makes this random Ogre Name Generator better than others?
Simple! We give you options to help you find your perfect name quickly, and we have more names. Each name generator can provide thousands of name ideas!
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